Happy Teachers' Day!
We love you, 105 teachers! :D So so much <33
Anyway im pretty bored so i wanted to make a lame post here :D
Grats Victoria, Weizhen and Yinyi for getting in Hadley Hse Comm!!
*Round of Applause*
And PHEW finally all exams over..
Let's all look forward to...
Bio PT =.="
Oh ya HCL pupils tmr pls
TO ME TOMORROW, (the one with diff types of qns, not the computer games one)
Else I'm gonna be responsible 4 late collection LOL

HELLO 105! :D
Yeah although Zheng Ning didn't win, it's alright (: After all she herself said she didn't expect to win (probably 'cause she realized she was up against tow better singers I suppose - Keely & Shawn).
But anyway, we should be happy that a Rafflesian got into the final! YAY! ^^ We love you ZN <3
<3 Karen :D
YO 105! :D
We-ell I can see a GOOD LUCK CHAIN on the tagboard (Thank God I can see the board itself -.-). Well I shall pass around an ALL THE BEST chain here!
ENGLISH (own the spelling! :D)
MATH (sums suck xD)
BIO PT (sorry for reminding. But it's a GENTLE reminder. :D)
<3 Karen :D
MS WONG tat day tat one (=
other pics can be found here
posting later
Math Revision for those who failed their quiz on linear equations. If you passed, you are still welcome to do it, but it's not a must. (: Due next next Monday.

Yay! Everything's up! :D Go download and print, people. <3
Campus superstar Screening on Campus
In supportof our very own Koh Zheng Ning 416 entering the final stages of Campus Superstar, RGS will screen this event from our very own KS Chee Theatre. As tickets are limited and given on first served basis.
Here's what you will have to do if you want to get your hands on one of these:
1) Seek your parents'/guardian's approval to attend this event on Saturday night
2) Go into INET and register yourself. The INET registration opens at exactly 8am on Saturday, 18 August and closes at 5pm on Monday, 20 August.
3) If you are successful, you will need to meet Mr Kenneth Tan at the Mini Amphitheatre on Tuesday, 21 August at 3pm to collect the consent form cum tickets
Well, all the best for the upcoming History, English and Maths Exams coming up. To those taking oral exams on Wednesday. JIA YOU!! Sorry for all the inconvenience caused for today. I apologise. Please do not lose trust in your classmates.:D
Yay no more tags on passerby! Thank God I can finally see the tagboard. :D
Yes Geog is tomorrow. I really shouldn't be online but some circumstances have caused me to be. (: So yes. ALL THE BEST PEOPLE, GO OUT THERE AND ROCK THE EXAMINATION ROOM! Yes that sounds weird! Haha but you get my drift right. Mm hmm.
Yes and for the Geog debate today. Proposition don't be sad, you did well too! <3 Yay 105 rocks!
That's about it. Yeah.
<3 Karen (:
Okay. I'm fully pissed off by the two passersby and I have deleted ALL the messages. Hopefully this won't happen again.
To the passersby, if you really have strong opinions of our class, go rant about them in your own blog. Our blog is not for you to blaspheme and crap at. So, either keep your comments to yourself, or go rant somewhere else.
We are RGS girls. We have a sense of pride and friendship for our classmates. You're probably spamming 'cause you're jealous of what we at RG have. If that's the case, keep your comments and stuff it.
Okay rant over. (:
Here are a few definitions for the Bio 'glossory'. xD I don't have the whole list as I copied down only those I don't have. :D
Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification.
An analogous trait is a trait that two species have in common not because they are descended from a common ancestor but because they have different ancestors that developed in similar ways in response to their environment.
Homologous traitsare those which species have in common because they have descended from a common ancestor.
Magnification is the process of enlarging something only in appearance, not in physical size. Magnification is also a number describing by which factor an object was magnified.
Resolution is the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together.
Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that are found in blood or other bodily fluids of vertebrates, and are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects, such as bacteria and viruses.
An epidemic is a classification of a disease that appears as new cases in a given human population, during a given period, at a rate that substantially exceeds what is "expected," based on recent experience (the number of new cases in the population during a specified period of time is called the "incidence rate").
A pandemic is an epidemic (an outbreak of an infectious disease) that spreads across a large region (for example a continent), or even worldwide.
Aseptic technique refers to a procedure that is performed under sterile conditions.
The streak plate method is a rapid and simple technique of mechanically diluting a relatively large concentration of microorganisms to a small, scattered population of cells.
Staining is a biochemical technique of adding a class-specific (DNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) dye to a substrate to qualify or quantify the presence of a specific compound.
Hydrophilic refers to something that has the physical property of a molecule that can transiently bond with water through hydrogen bonding.
Hydrophobic refers to something that has the physical property of a molecule that is repelled from a mass of water.
<3 Karen :D
Anyway to whoever sees this in time
Remain in classroom tmrw morn
Uh joho and the others will be coming
Arnd 7.10am lidat
Any qns abt hse comm can go ask
So yupyupx
Haha okay sorry but this has to be attention grabbing
To all interested people:
- Application Sheets for House com are up on Hadley Notice Board
- Soft-copy of the application sheet is available in our class e-mail
- Deadline for submission of application sheet is this Wednesday
- Interviews take place from this Thursday to Saturday
- They're running on a tight schedule
haha sorry for info overloadd XD
Okay, anyway house capt really wants many ppl to sign up
Yup so *nudge* sign up if you're interested(=
Stupid Elaine, put the link so long till it goes out of the page. x) I changed that, but that's it. Yup. All the best for Geog! :D
Karen (;
The video I made about National Day Celebrations 2007. Sorry for the crappy video quality. ):
<3 Karen :D
New blogskin! Featuring US on Racial Harmony Day 2007. If you're not featured I'm sorry, I took those pictures that I thought would make a nice skin. :D
I hope you like it. (: The next skin will be about us on National Day Celebration. ;D
Happy birthday Singapore! (:
<3 Karen :D

Yay Geog answer sheet for Worksheet 2. CREDIT = Gloria for scanning & sending to me.
<3 Karen
As promised I'll be posting the warrant for flowers for Algernon fa
If anyone has the warrants to greatest gift
Please post it here too((:
Thanks a lot((:
Oh yeah
I don't have all the warrants
So can a kind soul add on to it and post it here? ((:
Thank you((:
Points for Flowers For Algernon Formative Assessment:
- What are Charlie's observations of the doctors' and Ms Kinnian's behaviours towards him? Refer closely to the extract in your answer.
- Doctors behave in awkward and unresponsive manner
- "appears to be uncomfortable"
- "looks at me strangely and turns away"
- "strange look on Dr. Strauss' face"
- "appears to be uncomfortable"
- Even Ms Kinnian behaves uncharacteristically towards Charlie and no longer interacts with him with ease and interest
- "just stared at me blankly"
- "she stopped me and laughed"
- "just stared at me blankly"
- Doctors treat Charlie as a perplexing presence
- Doctors and Ms Kinnian not as knowledgeable as Charlie expected, which shocks and disenchants Charlie.
- "...angry at first when Dr. Strauss told me I was giving Dr. Nemur an inferiority complex"
- "...thought he was mocking me"
- "unacquainted with Hindustani and Chinese"
- "and this worries me – Dr. Strauss doesn't know either – "
- Charlie cannot accept that Dr. Nemur could be less intelligent than him, and even thought Dr. Nemur had deliberately snubbed him. Finally he realises he has been oversensitive and then feels indignant that a doctor of his stature had not considered other methods or acquiring other languages, showing his disappointment for Dr. Nemur's lack of intellectual explorations.
- He also starts measuring Dr. Strauss in the same way and his lack of understanding and insight causes his disappointment.
- His interaction with Ms Kinnian further seals his realisation and frustration that he has grown intellectually beyond those around him.
- "...angry at first when Dr. Strauss told me I was giving Dr. Nemur an inferiority complex"
- How do Charlie's reactions to the doctors and Ms Kinnian reveal his views about intelligence? Justify your answer with evidence from the extract.
- Charlie assumed that everyone would have the same level of intelligence, especially for those he for those he admired and respected.
- "How was I to know that a highly respected psychoexperimentalist* like Nemur was unacquainted with Hindustani and Chinese?"
- "Nemur couldn't even read them in the first place"
- this worries me--Dr. Strauss doesn't know either
- "…asked me what I meant about the mathematical variance equivalent in Dorbermann's Fifth Concerto."
- Charlie feels shocked and surprised at the fact that Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss are not versed in languages. This shows how he has made the assumptions of what intelligence constitutes, and did not realise that not all were at the same level of intelligence as he is.
- He is clearly frustrated that his attempt to speak simply with Ms Kinnian failed. However, for him to think that mathematical concepts can be used as a conversation topic shows his inability to discern and use his knowledge appropriately. He again assumes that others are just as intelligent as him.
- "How was I to know that a highly respected psychoexperimentalist* like Nemur was unacquainted with Hindustani and Chinese?"
- Charlie has the impression that intelligence provides understanding to all social or scientific problems and questions.
- "I asked Dr. Strauss how Nemur could refute Rahajamati's attack on his method and results if Nemur couldn't even read them in the first place."
- "I must review Vrostadt's equations on Levels of Semantic^ Progression
- Charlie feels unsettled and confused when he is confronted with a scientific or social problem. He feels that the experiment requires more research and reaches out for formulas to solve relational issues with Ms Kinnian. This implies a heavy reliance on knowledge on Charlie's part to resolve obstacles or emotional confusion and shows how he is unable to apply his heightened intellect realistically.
- "I asked Dr. Strauss how Nemur could refute Rahajamati's attack on his method and results if Nemur couldn't even read them in the first place."
- Although he may not be fully aware of the implications of his increased intelligence, he begins to see how intelligence can be a barrier to social interactions.
- "I must be careful to speak and write clearly and simply so that people won't laugh."
- "tried to avoid all discussions of intellectual concepts and to keep the conversation on a simple, everyday level"
- "I guess I got angry, but I suspect I'm approaching her on the wrong level."
- "I am unable to communicate "
- "I don't communicate with people much any more. "
- Despite the reliance on intelligence to help manoeuvre him through social interaction, Charlie starts to feel alienated and different once again. Although he is unable to connect with the people he respected or loved, even though concerted attempts were made to bridge the communication gap.
- Charlie also begins to feel lonely and it is ironic that his desire to be like others has rendered acceptance and a sense of belonging even more unreachable.
- "I must be careful to speak and write clearly and simply so that people won't laugh."
- "Despite an increased intelligence, Charlie has not shown any emotional or social growth." Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with relevant evidence from this extract and another significant event in Flowers for Algernon.
- NO (i.e. some emotional or social growth) – Charlie displays partial growth emotionally and socially.
- To a large extent, Charlie shows greater awareness of what is happening around him, and is able to make observations of people. He is also able to state his feelings lucidly.
- Charlie has grown since the reader encounters him in the first few progress reports where he has had difficulty recognizing his fears or frustrations. He is also more observant and can infer responses to him.
- Thus, an increased intelligence has provided Charlie a glimpse to understanding himself and to how others react to him as well.
- To a large extent, Charlie shows greater awareness of what is happening around him, and is able to make observations of people. He is also able to state his feelings lucidly.
- Charlie displays more complex emotions through accurate statements of how he feels.
- "I was angry at first"
- "I'm oversensitive at being made fun of."
- "this worries me"
- "I am very disturbed"
- "I guess I got angry"
- The wide range of vocabulary that states his feelings so clearly shows a wide range of emotions that were unavailable to him in the earlier parts of the story.
- However, he seems to struggle with these emotions and does not seem to cope well. He chooses to respond by withdrawing, so that he can avoid feeling negative.
- "I was angry at first"
- Charlie displays an effort to socialise and regulate his behaviour to suit the situation.
- "must be careful"
- "tried to avoid"
- "suspect I'm approaching her on the wrong level"
- Charlie writes about his vain efforts to communicate with the doctors and Ms Kinnian and one can see how self-consciousness overwhelms Charlie.
- He recognises the intellectual gap and begins to accept the fact that it may never be bridged and thus starts becoming a recluse(loner) with his books and music.
- "must be careful"
- Partial and painful social and emotional growth in Charlie is also seen in other parts of the story (breakthroughs)
- Incident of the boy at the restaurant
- Incident when he finds out that his friends were making fun of him, understanding what "pulling a Charlie Gordon means"
- Realising how beautiful and young Miss Kinnian is, and using the word "love"
- He experiences the intensity of emotions and has an enjoyable dinner with Ms Kinnian, showing an ability to interact comfortably until his intellectual capacity increased beyond Ms Kinnian's.
- Incident of the boy at the restaurant
- YES (i.e. no emotional and social growth) – Charlie is still socially inept.
- In this extract, Charlie is still unable to fully integrate into society as he seems to be able to discuss academic concepts, and not social small talk.
- Charlie's growth is minimal or even reduced as he even loses touch with Ms Kinnian, a person whom he trusted and interacted well with previously.
- In this extract, Charlie is still unable to fully integrate into society as he seems to be able to discuss academic concepts, and not social small talk.
- Charlie's attempts to socialise failed, and he eventually withdraws from society.
- "When I tried to explain she stopped me and laughed."
- "Thank God for books and music and things I can think about."
- "I am alone in my apartment at Mrs. Flynn's boardinghouse most of the time and seldom speak to anyone."
- Charlie's choice to withdraw is an indication of his inability to deal with his emotions and his inability to communicate.
- Intelligence has "driven a wedge" between him and others, leading to a worse situation than before the operation.
- "When I tried to explain she stopped me and laughed."
- Even others spurn him and reject him, and social growth becomes even less possible.
- The petition for the factory to sack him.
- This illustrates the complete social alienation Charlie faces.
Jiayou for lit(:
<3 weizhen((:
- The petition for the factory to sack him.
Hi 105, this is the picture we took with Ms Er on her last day. (:
<3 Karen
PS. This is 105's blog's 105th post! :D Our blog has come a long way. I love you 105 (:
I have finished compiling the FFA Answer Scheme. It is hosted here. But there is a catch. If you find out what it is, IM me on MSN or email me. Or you could just ask me for the answer scheme over MSN.
<3 Karen @ 12.10pm
videos for warrants....for lit fa
if im nice enough i'll type it out and dump it in our class email or docs and spreadsheets
but u must be patient if u wan me to type....
ok i guess i'll type instead;

<3 weizhen((:
Hello 105 :D
Ms Santhi is true to her word *ahem* and has posted the Lit notes in our class folder on Inet.
However she is also true to her word in a different way. THE WARRANTS ARE NOT THERE. Gah. Anyway, I am in the process of receiving the photos from Elaine and I will edit them as much as I can. Elaine forgot where she put the file she saved so I have to do it. Never mind, I shall host it somewhere and you people can go get it. (:
<3 Karen
PS. How was Angklung Getaran? (: